Generating Opportunities, Slaying Sacred Cows

Inbound Marketing: Retards Growth and Turns Marketing Folks into Zombies

I’m getting tired of battling marketing departments over their irrational devotion to Inbound (and Content) Marketing. It seems that marketing folks can’t help but fall violently in love with these concepts, rendering them useless to the rest of the organization. Here’s my beef. I know, from personal experience, that the content marketing thing works, in […]

Case Studies, Generating Opportunities

Social Media: update

My last post discussing the results of our initial experiments with Social Media elicited a great response, including an invitation to present a webinar for TOCICO. I’ve just created my slide-deck for that webinar and I’m happy to share it below. If you’re interested in attending the Webinar (there is a charge for non-TOCICO members), […]