My last post discussing the results of our initial experiments with Social Media elicited a great response, including an invitation to present a webinar for TOCICO.

I’ve just created my slide-deck for that webinar and I’m happy to share it below.

If you’re interested in attending the Webinar (there is a charge for non-TOCICO members), you can read more here.

[view slide-deck]

By the  way, I noticed some e-mail clients stripped the embedded video from that last post.

If you’re interested in seeing how we’re using (low-budget) video to boost our pay-per-click results, you can view the video (along with the rest of the post) on my blog, here.

Oh, and stay tuned: I’ll be posting Chapter 5 of The Machine before the end of the week. This chapter discusses how the basic SPE principles lead to different applications for a number of different environments (commodity products, selling via resellers and small business).