Applying Sales Process Engineering, Slaying Sacred Cows

Revenue Should Always Be the Responsibility of Operations, Never Sales

This article was first published on You can read the original here. If you make revenue the responsibility of your sales department, you will handicap the growth of your organization. If you want your organization to grow, operations should be responsible for revenue and your sales department should focus exclusively on new business. Before […]

The Machine (book)

The Machine > Part 1 > Chapter 5: Three variations on the standard model

Executives who encounter SPE for the first time will often ask if it is applicable in all situations. The answer to this question, not surprisingly, is no. Few theories – if any – can legitimately claim to be valid in all circumstances. However, before we offer-up our organization’s uniqueness as a get-out-of-jail-free card, it’s worth […]

Applying Sales Process Engineering, Managing Opportunities

Achieving Success in Industrial Sales: Liberating Salespeople from Production Challenges

The Holy Grail of technical sales: how to disentangle salespeople from production Whenever we work in a technical-sales environment, this – bar none – is the most valuable idea we bring to the table. Here’s the most obvious symptom of the problem: When salespeople make a technical sale, they inevitably become entangled with production. Their […]